
2024 Bayside European Eildon Junior Tour (VJRS)

from Fri, 12 Jul to Sun, 14 Jul
All Day

by Barry Woods
Posted: 5 months ago
Updated: 4 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 1 month before
Ends: 11:59pm Sunday 14 July 2024 (duration is 3 days)

Blackburn Cycling Club are proud to host the BIGGEST and best Junior Road tour of the year.

We host 3 days, 4 stages of racing at Eildon. Stages include an Individual Time Trial, and 3 road races.

For more information and to enter please go here

Be sure to book your accommodation ASAP, so you don’t miss out!
  • [2024-May-31 08:58 AM] Kylie Woods: Updated
  • [2024-Jun-09 07:14 PM] Kylie Woods: Updated
  • [2024-Jun-09 07:15 PM] Kylie Woods: Updated