
Clubhouse Working Bee

Sat, 20 Jul
from 9:00am to 12:00pm

by Rick Ryan
Posted: about 2 months ago
Updated: about 2 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 1 day before
Ends: 12:00pm (duration is about 3 hours)

If you’re handy with the tools then we can use you help assembling some new items for our clubrooms this Saturday the 20th from 9am. We could also use your help to move some items out of our temporary rooms to.


Blackburn Cycling Club


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  • [2024-Jul-16 08:36 PM] Rick Ryan: Updated
  • [2024-Jul-16 08:36 PM] Rick Ryan: Updated
  • [2024-Jul-17 08:40 AM] Rick Ryan: Updated
  • [2024-Jul-17 08:42 AM] Rick Ryan: Updated

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