Blackburn Cycling Club
Cycling • Blackburn, Victoria


Mon, 13 Jan 2020 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm Recurring every Monday
by Barry woods
Darebin International Sports Centre - 281 Darebin Rd, Thornbury Victoria Australia
Ticket sales ended at 10:00 PM, 13 January 2020
6.00 – 7.00pm: Novice & Foundation Riders. (Cost $12 per rider)

6.30 – 10.00pm: General Intermediate and Advanced Riders (Beyond 7pm is via invitation of the Coach. Cost $20 per rider)

DISC session is run by Coaches Emerson Harwood and Jemma Eastwood, suitable for all riders from junior to masters. We suggest that riders new to track cycling attend a novice session at Blackburn or another club velodrome first.

Novice riders and new foundation riders attending the 6pm session must book by emailing JDP Coach Andrew Johnstone ( and arrive early to organise and set up a bike if necessary. Foundation Riders progressing to train beyond 7pm must pay $20 fee, not $12.

CV track bikes are available for hire at $10 ea per session. Blackburn Club track bikes are free to Blackburn club members. Club bikes must be pre-organised in advance.

PLEASE NOTE: under no circumstances are pedals to be swapped on CV track bikes. Repair or replacement of and damaged components of hire bikes will be the responsibility of the hiring rider e.g. cross/stripped crank threads etc the bike to ensure such damage is repaired/replaced.